Powerful abandoned mine bats no longer drop iridium (but they do drop coal and void essence, so that's a win).At low levels, It is recommended you DO NOT go there after 6pm. Added more dangerous enemies to the Abandoned Mine Entrance map.Adjusts the edibility/value of the fish to make them more balanced (also nudibranches are now poisonous).

Added FOUR new fish - Fairy Betta to orchard and Fairy Pond (Tristan) Obsidian Maw and Slime Barbel to the Abandoned Mine entrance.Baron Munchington might be outside! Also will sleep at the foot of Aideen's bed each night.Jas sleeps over with Eloise on two Saturdays a season (Tristan not unlocked) and Eloise & Jas play in the playhouse on Sundays if Tristan IS unlocked.Friendable animal NPCs configurable, choose: EmperorDuck, EmpressDuck, LadyShebaCat (although the latter will be ignored if Mr Ginger is installed for reasons).Josephine may now arrive on the bus to visit the resort/Market Day.Rival Heart events for Aideen/? if ? is installed.added a new NPC (Kataryna, unlockable and datable) and a new antisocial NPC (also unlockable).Heart events for Kataryna both before and after her becoming social (20+ events if Juliet installed).After Josephine's story arc is finished, Kataryna moves into town.Moves the arrival of Josephine and Oliver forward and removes the "talk to them at the luau" requirement.Added Aideen's 14 heart event (requires Terrain Reset or Destroyable bushes to work properly).Added Rosa's 10 heart event (complete with personalized stationery, additional content if Mr Ginger and/or Jessie & Juliet installed and finally, that recipe.Yri the Architect - New Custom NPC's for East Scarp Lunakatt's DCBurger style portraits for East Scarp (East Scarpe)

Juliet and Jessie the Joja Clerks on Russian Optional if installed, adds vehicle and patio seats to some ES-specific tiles. Always Raining in the Valley - Custom NPCs for East ScarpĬreative Differences - Rodney a new NPC for East Scarp